What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapeutic process that clears troubling emotions and negative thinking linked to trauma and other painful past experiences. Patients have said that EMDR helped them more in one session than other therapies had in years.

"EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) provides a way for people to free themselves of destructive memories and it seems to work, even in cases where years of conventional therapy have failed." - Hugh Downs, 20/20, ABC News

Imagine experiencing the benefits of EMDR therapy right from the comfort of your own home. With Virtual EMDR, you get the same effective treatment as in-person sessions. The process is exactly the same, and I will be right there with you, guiding you through each step. All you need is a good internet connection, a private space, and a comfy chair to relax in. Let's embark on this healing journey together, no matter where you are!

Take steps to a better life now

EMDR is a short-term therapy. During a session, you will focus on a memory while moving your eyes, following the therapist's fingers or an object. At the beginning, you'll become aware of the feelings and thoughts connected to that memory while making these rapid eye movements. As the process continues, your perception of the traumatic memory will begin to change. This shift can lead to a feeling of closure, reducing the emotional intensity or causing the memory to fade. Regardless of the outcome, unpleasant feelings and negative thoughts fade, replaced by more positive ones.

Unlike some other therapists who conduct EMDR online using computer programs, I ensure your experience is exactly as described, without relying on any software.

When the process is completed you will remember the event. Understand and know that it happened but will no longer be "haunted" by it or disturbed by the memory. This then changes the way you view other parts of your lives.

"Barry first suggested EMDR explaining that it could help me break my blocks fast. Initially, I was skeptical of such sudden change. However, immediately after my first EMDR session I began to feel tremendous positive change and a genuine boost in my self esteem. As a result I was able to trust my feelings and make better decisions by listening to my gut. EMDR is painless and effective. I recommend it to anyone who is interested in making real progress quickly."
--Celine Ruben-Salama

Unlocking The Healing Power Of EMDR
 Article from my blog with a detailed explanation

Studies to date show a high degree of effectiveness with the following conditions:

  • Fears
  • Depression related to trauma
  • Surviving childhood abuse
  • Performance and test anxiety
  • Sexual abuse and/or physical abuse
  • Anxiety or panic attacks
  • Surviving an assault or robbery
  • Surviving a rape
  • Witnessing violence
  • Loss or injury of a loved one
  • Childhood trauma
  • Rage attacks
  • Surviving an accident
  • Overwhelming fears
  • Low self-esteem

Experts Speak Out:

"This has all the indications of being a major new resource in behavior therapy."
--Joseph Wolpe, MD., Originator of Systematic Desensitization

"The first seven years of experience with EMDR has shown that it can be a very effective treatment model of PTSD."
--Bessel A. van der Kolk, Phd

"EMDR is by far the most effective and efficient treatment we have ever used with dissociative episodes, intrusive memories, and nightmares with Vietnam combat veterans."
--Howard Lipke, Ph.D., Former Director, Stress Disorder Treatment Unit, North Chicago Veterans Administration Medical Center

"EMDR is a powerful tool for the treatment of traumatic stress reactions including PTSD. It has been utilized with remarkable effects in both the acute and prolonged versions of traumatic stress."
--Jeffrey Mitchell, Ph.D., President, International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Ellicot City, Maryland, USA